Yam foofoo

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Time:   40 mins 

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  • 2 lb yams
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp butter
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Serves 5-6



1. Place the yams in cold, unsalted water, bring to a full boil, and cook 25 minutes, or until soft.

2. Remove the yams, cook, and peel. Mash with the other ingredients.

3. Place in a food processor, and run briefly to remove lumps. Do not puree (If a processor is not available, go directly to step 4.)

4. Remove foofoo to a bowl, and beat with a wooden spoon or wire whisk until smooth. The foofoo should have a sticky, slightly resilient consistency.

5. Shape the foofoo into balls with your hands, and serve warm.




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