Soursop cream

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Time:   30 minute(s) 

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  • 1kg soursop fruit (corossol)
  • 120ml water
  • 4 tbsp sugar, or to taste
  • 250ml cream
  • Curls of lemon zest, to garnish
  • Coconut chips, to garnish
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Serves 8



1. Peel the soursop then roughly mash the flesh and remove the seeds.

2. Scoop the remaining flesh into a food processor, add the sugar and water then pulse and then process the mixture until stiff.

3. Slowly work in the cream and pulse until combined.

4. Scrape the fruit mixture into a bowl, cover with clingfilm (plastic wrap) and chill in the refrigerator for at last 90 minutes.

5. Spoon the cream into dessert glasses or sherbet glasses.

6. Garnish with the lemon curls and the coconut chips then serve.


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