Stew of tubers

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Time:   35 minute(s) 

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  • 1kg taros
  • 1.3kg sweet potatoes
  • 450g cassava
  • 600g plantains or green bananas
  • 150ml red palm oil
  • 300g onions
  • 600g smoked fish (banga traditionally, but smoked mackerel works well)
  • 400g fresh fish (optional)
  • 50g soumbara
  • 4 bouillon cubes
  • Salt, to taste
  • 1 fresh hot chilli
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Serves 8


1. Peel all the vegetables then slice into small pieces.

2. Bring a pan of water with a pinch of salt added to a boil.

3. Add the vegetables and cook for about 12 minutes, or until just tender.

4. Chop the onions and the hot chilli.

5. Flake the smoked fish, removing all the bones you can, as you do so.

6. Heat the pal oil in a large pot, add the onions, chilli and flaked fish then crumble in the bouillon cubes and soumbara (cube the fresh fish and add at this point, if using).

7. Quickly add the vegetables then pour in 800ml water.

8. Stir to combine then adjust the seasonings with chilli powder and salt.

9. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat to medium and cook for about 30 minutes.


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