White soup with chicken

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Time:   1 hour(s) 

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  • 1kg fresh chicken, jointed
  • 1 medium smoked fish (washed)
  • 250g fresh okra (sliced)
  • 100g ground crayfish
  • 250g yam pounded in a pestle and mortar
  • 25g fresh chillies, chopped
  • 1 aidan fruit, broken into three or four large pieces (the sweet and fragrant fruit pod of tetrapleura tetraptera; substitute 30g palm sugar and a few pounded mange tout)
  • 1l stock or water
  • Salt to taste
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Serves 4


1. Season the chicken with salt, add to a pan along with some stock, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.

2. Add the remaining stock, washed smoked fish, chopped chillies, okra, and ground crayfish.

3. If you have access to uyayak fruit break into pieces and add to the pot.

4. Otherwise, add the palm sugar and mangetout (snow peas).

5. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook for 15 minutes.

6. Mould the pounded yam into small balls and drop into the soup to cook and thicken.

7. Remove the Aidan Fruit pieces, season to taste and serve.


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