Brown bread

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Time:   130 mins 

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  • 2 lb whole wheat flour
  • 2 lb white flour
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 4 oz shortening
  • 1 oz yeast
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • Warm water
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Serves 4-5


1. Dissolve the sugar in a little warm water then sprinkle yeast on top and allow to rise.

2. Sift the flour and salt, and add about ¼ of the total amount of flour to the yeast mixture.

3. Cover and leave in a warm place to set the sponge until the mixture is bubbly,  about 1 hour.

4. If shortening is used, rub it into the remainder of the flour using fingertips or a fork until the mixture is like breadcrumbs.

5. Add this flour to yeast mixture and knead well until a smooth elastic dough is formed. Add some more warm water if necessary, as a hard dry dough does not rise well.

6. Put the dough in a greased or floured bowl, cover and leave to rise to twice its size.

7. Knead lightly to avoid bursting any bubbles, and without using extra flour if necessary. Mould or shape into loaves.

8. Cover and prove (i.e. put to rise again for 20 – 30 minutes).

9. Bake in a hot oven until thoroughly cooked.


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